Simplifying Complexity - Solving Problems

Transforming the Horse's Response to the Reins

The Foundation of Contact and Connection

This course is for those that wish to progress their horse’s foundation training and wish to know how to introduce the bit or bitless bridle to start developing their horse’s contact responses and build towards connection.

It is also for those that are struggling with contact issues with their horse with issues such as:

  • Difficulty getting the horse "on the bit" or working in a "frame"
  • Leaning on the bit or "hard mouthed"
  • Running through the bit
  • Over-bending or avoiding the bit or contact
  • Working "behind the vertical"
  • Sticking the tongue over the bit
  • Excessive chewing or chomping on the bit
  • Reefing, rooting the nose or head tossing
  • Getting anxious when the reins are shortened
  • Poor steering response

It can be frustrating trying to find help to get a clear understanding about how to introduce the bit, bitless bridle or solve contact problems.

Information can be confusing, complex and you quickly work out that shortening the reins, buying a new bit, strapping the horse's mouth shut or using draw reins or other gadgets is not the answer.

The course breaks down the steps and stages of first achieving a better quality, consistent contact and then how to influence the horse’s posture to achieve connection.

How Contact can be Transformed

There are many definitions of what is considered a horse's "contact".  This course keeps things simple.  Contact is just the word used to describe using "touch" to "communicate" meaning to a horse.  Therefore, the course breaks down the responses you need to teach a horse to respond to the various pressures that they feel on their mouth or face that you create when you pick up the reins!

If a horse has "contact" problems it means it has problems with its understanding or response to what you are communicating with your hands.

The horse in this image had serious contact issues. He became anxious when the reins would be picked up and would throw his head in the air. Once the responses he needed to understand were broken down and taught to him he calmed and stopped head tossing and his posture improved.

How Connection can be Transformed

Similar to the word contact, connection has many different meanings in the equine world. In this course it relates to the horse's posture and way of working through their body that allows the flow of energy from the horse's hind leg.

Tension, brace, crookedness and discomfort are all things that can negatively impact posture and create barriers to the flow of energy.

Once the horse is confident demonstrating the correct responses to contact, it is ready to for the seeking response necessary to start building the horse's ability to connect to be introduced.

For a horse to connect it is necessary to inspire the horse to adopt a posture where its spine is more flexed or "rounded" instead of "hollowed".  Most horses will "hollow" when they feel a rider on their back and this can be magnified if the horse is tense or braced.

A horse working with a "hollowed" spine will failed to build topline and  is predisposed to developing unsoundness due to back pain, kissing spine or other flow on issues caused by working in poor posture and flawed biomechanics.

Key to the horse adopting a better posture and connection is what is known as the "seeking response or reflex".  This course details the stages of how to develop a horses understanding and ability to demonstrate the seeking response.

The image below shows the difference between a horse moving with a "hollow" back and the other demonstrating the seeking response and the positive impact this has on the horse's posture and engagement.


This course is not just teaching your horse...

It is about YOU learning how to pick up the reins in a way that doesn't trigger brace or tension in you horse - but their understanding and trust!

What is in the Course?

The course will provide you with key understandings and skills so that you are aware of what you need to do, how to achieve it and why quality contact and connection is necessary for the physical, mental and emotional health of your horse.

The 8 Simple Steps

In the course there is an 8 step process to follow with video demonstrations, success tips, written and graphical information to break the process down for you. Included are discussions that provide success tips and how to solve common problems. There is also feedback and advice available from Dr Shelley Appleton to assist you successfully through the course.

Help Your Horse Now

Gain the knowledge & skills of how to build a quality foundation of contact & connection helps horses be calm, willing and confident riding partners

Pricing options

Purchase for a single payment of $129 or spread the cost out by paying $39.95 each month for 4 months.


Dr Shelley Appleton

Dr. Shelley Appleton is the founder of “Calm Willing Confident Horses”. Shelley teaches people how to train horses by presenting online courses, training lessons and clinics throughout Australia. Shelley helps riders nurture partnerships with their horses whilst building confidence, trust, knowledge and skillsets. Shelley has an uncanny, highly experienced ability to recognise, problem solve and correct issues with horses. Her doctorate in Human Learning proves beneficial to all coaching scenarios allowing a deeper understanding of strategies helping people develop their awareness, thinking and skillsets to be more in tune with their horse. Shelley is a published author of books - Confidence & Trust, Solving the Human & Horse Equation and Buying & Supporting a New Horse, The Essential Guide. She is the co-host of the popular Canter Therapy Podcast and creator of the her program of teaching people to help horses called the Complete Reboot System. You can find out more about Shelley on her website:


Cassandra Relph & Reign

"This has been fantastic for improving our lateral and vertical flexion and starting our progression towards connection.  I find the visual, written and verbal instructions to be the very perfect delivery for me and very easy to follow.  I also love that everything is straight forward and to the point with no long intros and excess information to wade through. Thank you Shelley!".  

Tracey Stewart

"This is such a great idea to make time to work on something and then get feedback and then go back and improve things and make them even better.  Now days no one needs to struggle with their horse when you can work online, ask of help and get great advice and help from you".

Jo Leigh

"This course has helped me get a really solid foundation on my horse as I have worked through all the groundwork and riding foundation and now contact and connection.  I find the courses very motivating  and love getting the feedback on what we need to work on.  It is so great having Shelley's eyes watching and I really appreciate the feedback.   This is really great value and I enjoy watching and learning from all the videos.  I now have so much more understanding of horses and training.  It is easy for me know to see the holes in a horses foundation that can lead to problems down the track.  I am so glad that I found Shelley, I have enjoyed every step under her guidance and can't thank her enough".


  • What Equipment do I need to do this course?

    This course is designed for horses that are ridden with a snaffle or straight bar mullen type bit or bitless in a bitless bridle or side pull.

  • How long do I have access to the course for?

    You have 1 year (365 day) access to the course which gives you plenty of time to watch and learn from the resources available in the course.

  • What if I don't have success from doing the course?

    If you follow the course for two weeks and engage in all the assessment and feedback opportunities and find that you have not had any improvement with your horse or discovered the reasons behind your horse's contact- your course fee will be refunded.

  • Do I get support during the course?

    Yes you do. Each course chapter has an optional assessment that you can submit for feedback. However, you can email Dr Shelley Appleton at any time and ask for help if you have any queries.

  • How long does the course take to work through?

    The material will take you less than 2 hours to watch. However, building a foundation of contact and connection with your horse is something that you will be forever nurturing and cultivating. However, if you ride your horse 3-4 times a week you should be able to get proficient at performing the steps and stages in 3-4 weeks.

  • I have questions about the course that are not answered here, where can I get these questions answered?

    If you have any questions that are not answered here please email Dr Shelley Appleton via [email protected]